Guanxi Certified Organic TTES #17 Bailu Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea
Guanxi Certified Organic TTES #17 Bailu Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea Guanxi Certified Organic TTES #17 Bailu Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea Guanxi Certified Organic TTES #17 Bailu Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea Guanxi Certified Organic TTES #17 Bailu Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea
$ 37.00

Like the famous Jin Xuan and Cui Yu, Egret (TTES #17) is still a relatively new varietal in the world of Taiwanese teas. It was formally introduced to the public back in 1983, two years after TTES #12 (experimental code #2027, known as Jin Xuan) and #13 (experimental code #2029, known as Cui Yu) were introduced. A varietal that can provide a strong and pungent mouthfeel, it bears a resemblance to some big leaf varietal tea trees.


We discovered this seemingly miracle and well-hidden hill through the assistance of Ms. Lin. Ms. Lin is the proprietor of this plantation inherited from her family. The abandonded plantations were not known to her until her neighbour informed her of their existence. After finding out about the treasure she had inherited, she devoted herself to the maintaining of these plantations that grow TTES #1, TTES #17, and TTES #12.


As part of the "white bird" family in the teas developed by the Tawain Tea Research and Extension Station, this varietal got its beautiful name "Egret" as its commercial name just like TTES #12 received the name “Jin Xuan” (Golden Lily). This particular varietal was developed for the purpose of making "oolong tea," which by today’s standards would be called a roughly-made Oriental Beauty. When processing this varietal by ourselves, we noticed it has a rich profile which only big leaf varietals carry, further proving its intrinsic quality as an "oolong tea" varietal.


We hope that this TTES #17 plantation will thrive and grow with us like a graceful egret, and also hope you will love its character after being made into an Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea with our signature processing technique. May the tea be with you.



Harvest:  See Options / 見選項

Varietal:  Egret TTES #17 / 白鷺 台茶拾柒號

Elevation:  230 M / 貳佰卅 公尺

Region:  Taoyuan Guanxi Township / 桃園 關西鎮

Fermentation Level:  75% / 分之 柒拾伍

Roast Level: See Options / 見選項



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